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Planned Parenthood Essay 2

One of the main discussions and debates that is still continuing to this day in our political system is on the overall topic of planned parenthood. However, there is one particular aspect of this organization that our society has continued for decades to focus in on and has never come to a full resolution on whether it is beneficial or harmful, that aspect is abortion. When an individual mentions planned parenthood most people in society immediately begin to think abortion. It seems that planned parenthood has become known for one particular aspect and that is unacceptable and as a society we should be focussing in on the beneficial aspects of planned parenthood and what these particular aspects of the organization actually do for women. It is extremely important that individuals of all ages are enlightened on what planned parenthood does for women and even men, and the quality of healthcare that planned parenthood stands for. Planned Parenthood should not be known for only one aspect and it is because of this one aspect that society has never been able to fully accept planned parenthood as a healthcare service.

In our society today, there seems to be one question that society is constantly asking when it comes down to planned parenthood. Due to the healthcare services that planned parenthood provides as a whole, is it beneficial or harmful? The answer to this question is most definitely planned parenthood is beneficial. The overall healthcare services that planned parenthood provides, particularly for women, is without a doubt beneficial to our society. It is important to understand that planned parenthood actually began in 1916 when the term “birth control” was beginning to make its way into society and was still widely unaccepted. Planned Parenthood was then created in order to become a clinic for women to have access to birth control if they sought after it (Our History, Planned Parenthood, 2018). After planned parenthood started to become more widespread and popular, it began to develop more qualities and services for women. To this day, planned parenthood provides essential healthcare services to women and men who cannot afford a high end healthcare such as Kaiser, Sutter or UC Davis. Some of the healthcare that planned parenthood provides are “Abortion services, Abortion referral, Birth control, Emergency contraceptive, General healthcare, HIV services, LGBT services, Men’s health services, Patient education, Pregnancy testing and services, STD testing and treatments, and Women’s services”(Our Services, Planned Parenthood, 2018). When looking at the overall services that planned parenthood provides, it clearly shows that planned parenthood does not just focus in on the single aspect of abortion. The quality of healthcare that planned parenthood provides for both women, men, and even the LGBT community is extremely beneficial and that is undeniable.

Even though that the overall benefits that planned parenthood performs outweighs the abortion aspect, there are still many individuals who believe that planned parenthood is harmful to society. Many of the individuals who believe that abortions are a heinous act and are harmful, revolve around the notion that getting an abortion is taking away an innocent life. These individuals tend to be more on the conservative side and often a religious aspect plays a huge role in one’s opinion on abortions. In the year 2017, President Trump made it possible for doctors who practice a certain religion, if there religion is opposed to abortions or birth control, the doctor no longer has to provide that given service because it is against their personal religion. According to the SF Chronicle “President Trump promised the American people that his administration would vigorously uphold the rights of conscience and religious freedom,” acting HHS Secretary Eric Hargan said in a statement. “That promise is being kept today”(SF Chronicle, Trump protecting medical providers who oppose abortion, 2018).When President Trump upheld his promise to protect the rights of “conscience religious freedom” he is protecting and standing up for individuals who in particular, their religion may disapprove of abortions or their personal belief may disapprove of abortions. However, President Trump is not standing up for individuals who on the other side have their own opinion on abortions and for women’s rights over their own bodies to make that choice. The President is and will only protect those who are apart of his particular religion and with who agrees with him. Individuals need to understand that this action that the President made poses a threat to women’s rights as well as transgender women and individuals apart of the LGBT community. The President is not willing to stand up for women’s rights to have control over their own bodies, he would rather take away the rights of millions of women due to the fact that he does not agree with the women’s overall right to have an abortion.

However, many individuals support the step that Trump took when handling abortions and birth control because it limits the access that women have to certain healthcare. Even though many believe that planned parenthood should be shut down and that is an opinion, there is a flaw in the arguments reasoning due to the fact that, when abortions become the only main focus point and argument when discussing planned parenthood, every other aspect of planned parenthood is being ignored and that shouldn’t be happening. Even when discussing abortions, abortions can be extremely helpful for certain women. For example, women who are raped, get pregnant at a young age, and often times when the pregnancy can be fatal to the mother, abortions become a lifesaver for women and the only reasonable option. A woman named Georgia who is 28 years old from London discusses her personal decision to have an abortion. Georgia stated that “I was 21 when I had the first abortion and we both decided that my priority was for me to finish my studies. We felt too young, and he certainly didn’t have the maturity to cope with parenthood. There were anti-abortion protesters outside the clinic, and I remember feeling incredibly angry that this group of men were trying to terrorise young women — some of the women looked barely even 14 — in the name of their god… I came to realize that there’s no such thing as the right thing, just whatever happened and how you deal with that. If I had had two children by my ex, I dread to think what my life could be like”(Georgia, The Guardian). Georgia discusses how men were “terrorising” the young women at the clinic because they were seeking an abortion. Women should never have to feel terrorized, embarrassed, or guilty about the decisions that they are making over their own bodies. Georgia even goes on further to state that if she would have had children with her ex boyfriend that “[she would] dread to think what [her] life could be”. Women should always get the personal and final say when it comes down to decision making over their bodies, a woman should never have to dread what her life would be like if she had a baby. Also, in this particular case, Georgia was making the decision that she felt was best for her and that is really no other person’s business. It is incredibly important that individuals understand that abortions are not some heinous act to just “get rid of something” that a woman didn’t want. Abortions are a personal and very difficult choice that a woman must make and when a woman makes that decision it is because it’s the right choice for her. Even though we are in the 21st century and women should have the overall say and power over their own bodies, many individuals in society to this day, will still continue to only focus on the one aspect of planned parenthood and then try to limit women’s overall access to the healthcare and even defund it. Individuals need to realize that what planned parenthood provides for women and even young girls is very important to our society. Planned Parenthood assists in providing important screenings for women that will detect cancer and planned parenthood also significantly reduces the rate of teenage pregnancy due to their access to multiple kinds of birth control and emergency contraceptives. Attacking planned parenthood is an ultimate attack on women’s rights as a whole.

To conclude, there are many individuals who still are asking the question is planned parenthood’s organization and healthcare services beneficial or harmful? The answer to this question will always be beneficial. There are too many individuals in society that focus on the one aspect of planned parenthood; abortion, and then even refuse to even acknowledge the other services that planned parenthood provides. The amount of services that planned parenthood provides for women and men is amazing. At low costs, freedom of choice, and the overall safety and comfort that planned parenthood provides makes it a high quality yet affordable and sometimes even free healthcare service. Planned Parenthood is a healthcare service that provides for all people no matter gender, sexual orientation or age. Attacking planned parenthood and trying to limit women’s overall access to planned parenthood is an attack on women’s rights. Individuals should concern themselves that a basic fundamental human right everyday is being attacked and trying to be shut down due to the fact that, some individuals believe that it is harmful. Society needs to continue to fund planned parenthood and enlighten themselves on the multiple services that it provides for women and men of all ages, then and only then, will society fully comprehend how beneficial planned parenthood truly is.

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